I don't want to face the music. I don't want to dance in the rain. Truth be told is that my heart aches. It is a lingering sting between laughter and smiles; a silence that seems to be louder than the earth splitting in half. It always seems to come back and haunt me when I am alone, even though I keep telling myself that I am happy. However, I am a walking contradiction because I am happy... most of the time. But the ache is also the other half of that happiness that never seems to go away. At first, maybe it was a phase or a depression that can be drowned with medications prescribed by people who knows nothing of the heartache that fills the being at times even when the sun is at its peak in the sky.But it has been two decades. I have lived with this heartache for awhile, even when I was a little, even before I could fathom the depth of life and what had yet to come. But in this journey, these last remaining days of 2009 and into the moment 2010 begins, I will try my best to understand.
Let the adventure begin.